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CV Project


Last update: 2023-12-16

You can use gestures to navigate in the app. If you prefer, you can disable them in Settings > Gestures, and here you can turn on (green) or off (red).
You can customise gestures for Speak and Listen sections, instead you cannot customise in the other sections.
In Speak and Listen, in addition, you'll see also a "visual guide" when the gesture is enabled and also the relative action associated to the gesture.

You can customise swipe up

, swipe down

, swipe right

, swipe left

, long press

and double tap

By default: "swipe right" is associated with "back" action, "swipe left" with "skip" and "swipe up" with "report".

Exactly like the Listen section, you can customise the six gestures in this section as well.
By default: "swipe right" is associated with "back" action, "swipe left" with "skip" and "swipe up" with "report".

In Profile just swipe right is enabled, and it's associated with "back" action (go back to Home). The other gestures are disabled.

All badges
In All badges just swipe right is enabled, and it's associated with "back" action (go back to Profile). The other gestures are disabled.

First run (Speak and Listen) and First launch
In these sections swipe right and swipe left permits you to go to back or forward. The other gestures are disabled.

Subsection in Settings
In all subsections in Settings you can just swipe right and it's associated with "back" action (go back to Settings). The other gestures are disabled.

This app is developed by Saverio Morelli